2. Operating performance over the years. The internal management of fund management companies and the investment experience, professional quality and management methods of fund managers will affect the performance of funds. Some fund portfolios are managed by a fund management team including many fund managers and researchers, while others are managed by one or two fund managers. The latter form of investment management is greatly influenced by personal factors, and if personnel changes occur, it will also have a greater impact on the operation of the fund. For fund companies that have a sound management system and pay attention to collective management, the decision-making procedures are often more standardized and the actions are more targeted. In this case, their past business performance is more reliable and sustainable, which can be used as a reference when you choose a fund.
Third, market image, service quality and level. The market image of fund management companies and the quality and level of services provided to investors are also factors that can be referenced when choosing fund management companies. For closed-end funds, the market image of fund management companies is mainly reflected by the operation and net growth of their funds. Fund management companies with good market image are more likely to be recognized and favored by investors in the secondary market; On the other hand, fund management companies with poor market image are often left out by investors. For open-end funds, the market image of fund management companies will also be reflected through marketing network distribution, charging standards, subscription and redemption, and publicity to investors. To invest in open-end funds, we should not only consider the management level of fund management companies, but also consider related expenses, the convenience of subscription and redemption, the service quality of fund management companies and many other factors.