Address: Social Insurance Fund Administration Bureau, No.96 Shunchang Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong.
Nearby bus stops:
Military administrative zone? -? The bus stop is 79 meters away.
By bus:? B743 road? B744 road? M3 1 1 road? M4 12 road
Dacaopu Community? -? The bus stop is 302 meters away.
By bus:? 398 road? M36 1 road
Pinghu Dacaopu Wharf? -? The bus stop is 446 meters away.
By bus:? M3 1 1 road
Special exhibition shopping plaza? -? Bus stop 658 meters
By bus:? 88 1 road? B725? B743 road? B744 m4 12? M498 highway