Conversion fee = conversion amount * conversion interest rate
Among them, the conversion amount refers to the difference between the number of shares of two funds that investors apply for conversion, multiplied by the net value of the funds on the day of conversion. The discount rate is the proportion of expenses set by the fund company according to different fund types and discount rules, which is usually listed in the fund contract and prospectus.
It should be noted that the conversion rate of different fund companies may be different, which may be adjusted with the market environment and the policy changes of fund companies. Therefore, when calculating the fund conversion fee, please be sure to take the latest published rate of the fund company as the standard.
In addition, some fund companies may introduce some preferential policies, such as reducing the fund conversion fee. Investors who meet the relevant preferential conditions can enjoy the corresponding preferential treatment when calculating the conversion fee.
To sum up, the calculation of fund conversion fee is related to the conversion amount, conversion rate and possible preferential policies. When calculating the conversion fee, please make sure to use the correct data so as to accurately understand the possible costs.