"International Rescue" focuses on the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II, telling a story of rescue and counter-rescue between the enemy and ourselves: In 1944, the American Flying Tigers were on a mission in Yunnan. Under siege by the Japanese army, ace pilot Colonel Kahn was captured by the Japanese army while covering his companions. In order to rescue Kahn, the Flying Tigers elite, Kuomintang soldiers, and local guerrillas cooperated with each other to carry out operations, and people of different nationalities and beliefs came together. Continuing the routine of many heroic dramas, "International Rescue" also staged a "two heroes meeting" - guerrilla captain Xu Sihai played by Lien Yiming and national army major Qin Guozhong played by Chen Guokun, a pair full of contradictions but sympathetic to each other. Brothers in need. They were classmates who graduated from Whampoa Military Academy, and fell in love with the same woman Lin Ruomei. When Xu Sihai and Qin Guozhong became brothers in the trenches because of this rescue, Lin Ruomei also happened to appear in front of them at this time...
When talking about the confirmation of the actors, director Xie Hong said , because Lian Yiming has good market appeal in military films and mainly wins audience recognition with his positive image, so he played the role of guerrilla leader Xu Sihai. Hong Kong actor Chen Guokkun has not found a suitable role since he played Bruce Lee. After reading the script, he also liked the image of this national army officer. The combination of him and Lien Yiming will achieve a perfect match. The US military commander Holmes is played by Cao Cao, an American who has a certain appeal in the Chinese market. He has stayed in China for more than ten years and has appeared in various types of TV series. He has a certain understanding of Chinese culture and is very fluent in Chinese. He can communicate with the cast and crew without any obstacles on set. The US military pilot Kahn is played by American actor Zheng Jie. Zheng Jie's grandfather was a pilot in the U.S. Marine Corps. Zheng Jie heard his grandfather tell many stories about the Flying Tigers pilots since he was a child. So when he learned about the script, he was very excited and expressed his hope to play this role.
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