The distinction between the insurer, the insured, the policy holder and the beneficiary is as follows: 1. Different definitions: The insurer is an enterprise that collects insurance premiums from the policy holder and is responsible for compensating losses or paying insurance premiums when an insured accident occurs or the agreed period expires.
That is, insurance companies.
The insured refers to the person whose property interests or body and life span are protected by the insurance contract according to the insurance contract, and who has the right to claim insurance money after the insured accident occurs.
The insured may or may not be the policyholder himself.
The policy holder, also known as the insured, refers to the person who enters into an insurance contract with an insurance company and is obligated to pay insurance premiums in accordance with the contract.
The policy holder can be a legal person or a natural person.
The beneficiary refers to the person designated by the insured or the policy holder in the life insurance contract and who is entitled to receive the insurance money after the death of the insured.
The policy holder or the insured can also serve as a beneficiary. If the policy holder or the insured does not designate a beneficiary, then the legal heir is the beneficiary.
2. Individuals are different: the insurer refers to the insurance company, and the insured, policy holder, and beneficiary are individuals.
3. The recipient is different from the provider: the insurer is the implementer of the insurance and is responsible for compensating losses or paying insurance premiums; the insured, policy holder, and beneficiary are the recipients.