In the equity crowdfunding project, what is the lead investor g p? What is voting for l p?
LP and GP are two forms of parties in the limited partnership in the form of private equity organization. The promoter is the general partner (GP) and the investor is the limited partner (LP). Legally, the general partner bears unlimited legal liability, and the limited partner bears legal liability limited to the amount of capital contribution. The general partner also plays the role of fund manager. In addition to collecting management fees, he also enjoys a certain percentage of profits according to the limited partnership contract. After the revision of the Partnership Enterprise Law in China, the form of limited partnership has been allowed. Private placement achieves sunshine through the trust "Shanghai model". Private equity institutions play the role of general beneficiaries in trust products, and invest funds as guarantee funds according to a certain proportion. At the same time, when the income exceeds expectations, the general beneficiaries can also get most of the income beyond expectations. Limited partnership approaches this form.