The trademark registration application fee includes official fees and agency fees. The official fees charge a certain fee for each type of goods or services, while the agency fees vary according to the circumstances of the agency.
Trademark registration application fees refer to the relevant fees that need to be paid during the trademark registration process, including official fees and agency fees. 1. Official fees: The official fee standard for trademark registration is a certain fee for each trademark category. According to the classification system stipulated in the Trademark Law, different types of goods or services belong to different trademark classifications. Therefore, trademark registration applicants need to select the corresponding trademark classification to apply and pay the corresponding official fees. Currently, the official fee for domestic trademark registration application is 500 yuan per trademark category. 2. Agency fees: Since the trademark registration application process is relatively cumbersome, many applicants choose to complete the registration application through a trademark agency. The fees charged by the agency include agency fees, document translation fees, express delivery fees, etc., and may also vary according to the agency's circumstances. It should be noted that the fees for trademark registration applications are subject to change over time. Therefore, applicants need to keep abreast of the latest fee standards when applying for trademark registration.
If trademark registration is rejected, do I need to pay the official fee again? After a trademark registration application is rejected, you need to revise and submit the application again. At this time, if the trademark classification has not changed, you only need to correct or modify the trademark application documents, and there is no need to pay the official fee again. However, if the applicant wants to add a new trademark classification, he will need to pay the official fee for the corresponding classification again.
Trademark registration application fees are an essential part of the trademark registration process. Applicants need to choose whether to entrust a trademark agency to apply based on their own circumstances, and make reasonable budgets and expenditures for official fees and agency fees. . At the same time, applicants should also pay attention to the latest changes in fee standards so that they can keep abreast of the latest fee standards during the application process.
Legal basis:
Article 15 of the "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" Applicants for trademark registration shall pay agency fees and registration fees to the specialized trademark agencies.