We would like to know which category of trademark category "integrated suspended ceiling" belongs to? Because our company's current trademark has been registered in 43 of the 45 trademark categories, I would like to know whether this category is covered. If not, how should we handle it?
The name of "Integrated suspended ceiling" is not standardized and its category cannot be determined. Categories 43 and 45 are service categories and do not involve goods. Applicants can refer to the product items of Category 6, Category 19 and other categories
The products produced by our company are wire rod rolling mills, bar rolling mills and their parts. The products are mainly used in steel companies.
Now I want to register a trademark, but I can’t find a category related to our product in Category 7. Please help confirm which sub-item in which category.
It is recommended to apply for wire rod rolling mill (for metal processing) and bar rolling mill (for metal processing) in Category 7.
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