Trademark acceptance notice takes 1 month
Trademark registration certificate, if everything goes well, usually takes 2 or 3 years. This also depends on the category you are applying for< /p>
The validity period will be calculated from 3 months after the announcement. For example, if the announcement was made on July 6, 2008, the validity period will be calculated from October 7, 2008.
The above information is provided by Beijing Provided by Jundu Intellectual Property Office for reference only
For more intellectual property information, please refer to the Beijing Jundu Intellectual Property Office
Beijing Jundu Intellectual Property Office is a trademark registration company , patent and litigation consultation, copyright registration, customs filing, famous/well-known trademark identification, brand dynamic monitoring, corporate intellectual property overall planning, intellectual property industry application, brand strategic design planning, brand strategic management research, trademark reserve database and brand strategic information It is a domestic research-based service organization that focuses on services in the field of intellectual property and provides a series of intellectual property services such as library construction.