Trademark registration is risky. If you have registered a word trademark before, you should know this. Moreover, graphic trademarks are more difficult to detect similarity than word trademarks.
Trademark registration process and procedures of the National Trademark Office
The procedure for applying for registration is divided into two steps.
Step one: Trademark search. Submit the trademark and the scope of use of the goods or services. The query results will be available within 30 minutes for word trademarks and within 24 hours for graphic trademarks.
Step 2: Apply for registration.
①Application stage: Submit documents (before 12 a.m.) and report to the Trademark Office on the same day and return to the Trademark Office for submission list on the same day;
②Formal acceptance and review stage: Pass the formal review and pass the Trademark Office Issue a substantive review of the acceptance notice;
③Announcement and registration stage: Substantial review passes the preliminary review, announcement, registration announcement, and the Trademark Office issues a registration certificate.
When the formal documents are complete and submitted before 12 a.m., we will report it to the State Trademark Office on the same day, and return it to you by fax on the same day with a stamped submission list indicating the date of registration application. Since trademark registration in my country follows the first-to-file principle (please apply for a trademark as early as possible and keep it confidential to avoid being registered by others), the establishment of the application date is very important for the success of trademark registration. If someone else applies one day earlier, it will cause your The creativity or huge investment in the brand up front was wasted.
Trademark applications can be made on Baidu Chaofan Trademark Network