What is a domain name?
The English name of domain name is Domain Name, which is the name of an enterprise or institution on the Internet, and is the address of mutual contact between enterprises and institutions on the Internet. Just like our house number. The form of a domain name is composed of several English letters and numbers, separated into several parts by ".".
For example, www.cctv.com refers to China Central Television; www.3721.com refers to 3721 Network Company.
Is domain name an unlimited resource?
No, domain names are limited. In fact, so far, it has been difficult for new users to register domain names that are nice to hear, easy to remember, and concise. The good ones have been snatched up.
Can a trademark replace a domain name?
Cannot be substituted. Trademark is the image of a company in the traditional economic model. The domain name is the image of the enterprise on the Internet, and the two cannot replace each other.
What is domain name squatting?
Domain name squatting refers to the act of preemptively registering domain names with commercial value in the name of the registrant. There are many speculative companies that specialize in this kind of business. If a company wants to use a domain name that has been registered by others, it may have to pay a high price to purchase it.
There used to be a very famous magazine in China called "Reader's Digest", and later it was renamed "Reader". Why was the name changed? Because the United States also has a "Reader's Digest" and was the first to register it in China. , the same is true for domain name squatting. Although there are laws to deal with domain name squatting, how can companies have so much time to litigate?
Why register a domain name?
From the business world, domain names have been hailed as "enterprises' online trademarks." Domain name registration is the first step to achieve online marketing and online advertising. At present, it has become a powerful weapon for companies or individuals to reflect their "brand" image on the INTERNET. And the domain name is unique in the world. When positioning the website, many companies hope to use their own company name or trademark name as the domain name.
Domain names, like well-known brands, represent the intangible assets of a company. In order to protect your intangible assets, register domain names first.
Why is not registering a domain name more troublesome than having a trademark registered?
Since domain names and trademarks are unique in their respective categories, and with the development of the Internet, from the perspective of corporate image building, domain names and trademarks are, in a sense, closely related to each other. contact. Therefore, it has certain characteristics in common with trademarks.
When choosing a domain name, many companies often hope to use a domain name that is consistent with their corporate trademark. However, domain names are more unique than trademarks. If this domain name that is very important to you is registered by others, it will have a huge impact on the market. This domain name, which is the only one that can represent the corporate image, may be used by an unrelated company or even a competitor.
What is a universal URL?
Directly enter the name of the company, product, or website to reach the target website directly. There is no need to memorize complex domain names and URLs, and there is no need for suffixes, .net, etc. After IP and domain name, it is the most advanced, fastest and most convenient third-generation Internet access standard. Individual registration is allowed, general vocabulary registration is open and can be freely transferred, and the business opportunities are unlimited!
If you use IE5 or above browsers, universal URLs are automatically supported. If you are using an older browser version, please click to download the client
What is a local area network?
A local area network (Local Area Network) is within a local geographical range (such as a schools, factories and institutions), integrate various computers. A computer communication network composed of external devices and databases connected to each other, referred to as LAN. It can be connected to remote local area networks, databases or processing centers through data communication networks or dedicated data circuits to form a large-scale information processing system.
LAN has the following characteristics:
(1) The coverage is generally within a few kilometers;
(2) A dedicated transmission medium is used to form the network. The transmission rate is between 1 Mbit/s and 100 Mbit/s or higher;
(3) Multiple devices (generally between dozens to hundreds) share one device Transmission media;
(4) The layout of the network is relatively regular, and there is generally no problem of switching nodes and routing within a single LAN;
(5) The topology is mainly bus type and ring type.
LAN is currently widely used in office automation, production automation and information processing systems.