Counterfeit goods on Taobao refer to goods that are counterfeiting registered trademarks and using the same trademark on the same goods without the permission of the registered trademark owner. Counterfeit products refer to the use of untrue factory names, factory addresses, trademarks, product names, product logos, etc., so that customers and consumers mistakenly believe that the product is a genuine product.
1. What does Taobao counterfeit goods mean?
Counterfeit goods on Taobao refer to goods that are counterfeiting registered trademarks and using the same trademark on the same goods without the permission of the registered trademark owner.
Counterfeit products refer to the use of untrue factory names, factory addresses, trademarks, product names, product logos, etc., so that customers and consumers mistakenly believe that the product is a genuine product.
2. What are the reasons for removing counterfeit goods from Taobao?
1. Contraband goods
If Taobao detects that the products in your store are contraband, Then Taobao's backend will directly remove the prohibited products from your store.
2. Price imbalance
The reason why Taobao Baby may be removed from the shelves is because the price of your product does not conform to the norm, or the price of your product fluctuates excessively, which will lead to The system checks the price of your product.
If Taobao determines that there is a problem with the price of your product, it will remove the products from your Taobao store.
3. Suspected of piracy
If the system detects that your product is suspected of piracy of some genuine brands or Taobao titles, etc., your product will also be monitored. , remove the products from your store.
4. Quality issues
If there is a quality problem with a product, and it is detected by Taobao's backend, the product will be directly removed from Taobao's official shelves.
In this case, if there is no problem with our products, we will still have to wait for two working days for manual review.
If the products in our store involve some low-quality products that have been exposed by the media, or goods confiscated by customs, then our store had better delete these products ourselves. This is the most beneficial approach for our store.
5. Suspected of fake goods
If the Taobao system detects that the goods sold in your store are fake, then it will automatically supervise your goods and remove the store from the shelves. products in.
Taobao counterfeit goods means counterfeiting registered goods, or using the same trademark on the same goods without authorization.
In short, the purpose is to make consumers mistakenly believe that the product is genuine, so merchants cannot play around with it, such as modifying a word in a certain brand.