Things to pay attention to in trademark transactions. When conducting trademark transactions, many companies do not understand the potential risks of trademark transactions, so they are easy to be cheated or the transaction fails when conducting trademark transactions. Indeed, trademark transaction is one of the main ways to obtain a trademark. It takes less time than registering a trademark, and the success rate is more guaranteed. So what issues should we pay attention to in trademark transactions? What are the issues that need to be paid attention to in successful trademark transactions? The procedures for transferring registered trademarks must comply with the following regulations: 1. The transferee must be qualified as a trademark registration applicant; 2. When transferring registered trademarks for tobacco products and human medicines, the transferee must attach corresponding certificates; 3. The transferor must transfer the same or similar trademarks registered on the same or similar goods, and cannot transfer part of it, keep a part for his own use, or transfer the other part to a third party; 4. If the trademark owner The trademark has been licensed to others. Before transferring, the licensee's consent must be obtained. The aftermath must be handled in accordance with the provisions of the license contract, and the interests of the licensee must not be harmed due to the transfer.