In addition to official website of the Trademark Office, you can go to the website of the trademark agency authorized by the Trademark Office for trademark inquiry, such as knowing the first brand. The number one intellectual property trademark inquiry system supports free trademark inquiry and provides three inquiry methods: accurate trademark inquiry, approximate trademark inquiry and graphic trademark inquiry. Directly dock the trademark data of the Trademark Office, and conduct real-time comprehensive inquiry.
Before applying for a trademark, first determine the category to be inquired and the similar commodity service group. Then, based on the determined similar commodity service group, do the same query and approximate query. Approximate query not only needs to query the trademark itself, but also needs to query its significant part. Finally, if it is found, it proves that the trademark has been registered. If it is not recorded, it will not be registered.
If it has already been registered, you can only make a new inquiry under a different trademark. An unregistered trademark can go to the next step and submit a trademark application to the Trademark Office for examination.
In trademark application, it is also necessary to inquire about trademarks from time to time, provide information such as trademark name, agent, registrant and registration number, and inquire about the progress and status of trademark application. If problems are found, they can be dealt with in time.
Trademark inquiry is a technical activity. Trademark inquiry has a certain blind inquiry period and needs professional evaluation and analysis. Trademark inquiry directly affects the success rate of trademark application, and there is a high probability that trademark inquiry is not in place, resulting in the rejection of trademark registration.
The best way is to entrust a professional trademark agency to handle it. Trademark consultants under professional trademark agencies are familiar with trademark-related laws and registration procedures, which can avoid problems in the registration process as much as possible and solve them in time, greatly improving the success rate of trademark registration.