(2) Where a registered trademark is assigned, the trademark registrant shall assign an approximate trademark registered on the same commodity or an identical or similar trademark registered on similar commodities.
(3) When a trademark assignor licenses others to use its registered trademark, it must obtain the consent of the licensee before it can be transferred to a third party. Simply put, if you have a trademark for others to use, at this time, if you want to transfer it, you have to get the consent of others.
(4) If an enterprise cancels or an individual dies, and the trademark transfer formalities are not completed within one year from the date of cancellation or death, the trademark transfer formalities can no longer be completed, and the trademark ownership naturally disappears.
(5) The trademark in the application can also be transferred, but if the application fails, the transfer will not be successful.
(6) Both parties to the trademark transfer must have business licenses, and natural persons must have personal licenses, otherwise they cannot apply.
(7) Notarization of trademark transfer is not necessary, but from the perspective of transfer safety, we suggest notarization to prevent regret.
(8) Trademark transfer cannot be suspended. If both parties have submitted their applications, they can't stop. If it is to be revoked, it can only be transferred for the second time, and the trademark can be transferred to the original transferor.
Legal basis: Article 3 of the Trademark Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) is a registered trademark, including commodity trademark, service trademark, collective trademark and certification trademark; Trademark registrants enjoy the exclusive right to use trademarks and are protected by law.
The term "collective trademark" as mentioned in this Law refers to a sign registered in the name of a group, association or other organization for members of the organization to use in business activities, so as to show the membership of users in the organization.
The term "certification trademark" as mentioned in this Law refers to a mark controlled by an organization with the ability to supervise goods or services and used by units or individuals outside the organization to prove the origin, raw materials, manufacturing methods, quality or other specific qualities of the goods or services.
Special matters concerning the registration and management of collective trademarks and certification trademarks shall be stipulated by the administrative department for industry and commerce of the State Council.