As an important intellectual property, trademark has become an important strategic resource for the development of enterprises and countries and a powerful driving force for the development of market economy. To a certain extent, it represents the economic strength, development level and overall image of an enterprise, a region and even a country, especially famous and well-known trademarks, which are both intangible assets of enterprises and social resources and property. As the founder of Coca-Cola once said. As long as you have the trademark Coca-Cola. Even though Coca-Cola's tangible assets were wiped out overnight. Coca-Cola Company can also obtain new funds for new production by using the trademark immediately, which shows the value of the trademark to the enterprise. Now more and more domestic enterprises are gradually aware of the tangible and value of trademarks. How to use and protect trademarks to maximize the value of paper merchants has become an increasingly concerned issue for enterprises.
At present, the topic of trademarks is often mentioned, one of the reasons is that many enterprises do not know enough about the role of trademarks and ignore the role of trademarks in brand play. In the process of development, enterprises suffered huge losses due to registered trademarks, and some enterprises did not publicize trademarks enough. It leads to insufficient popularity, and ultimately leads to a decline in product market share or even withdrawal from the market. Two factors have caused the lag of trademark work of enterprises in China.
First of all, a trademark is the symbol of a product. Its appearance first shows the source of the product and conveys the information of the new product to consumers. This has played a role in creating consumption, stimulating and guiding demand. Secondly, any trademark represents the inherent quality and standard of the specific product to which it is attached, and to a certain extent shows the quality and quality that producers or operators should bear for the product, thus ensuring that consumers can compete with each other in similar products. Select and identify products with trademarks.
At the same time, trademarks are also the concentrated expression of corporate image and reputation. Enterprises show their image and reputation to consumers through the specific characteristics of trademarks, such as distinctiveness and novelty. Deepen consumers' impression of their products, attract consumers' attention, stimulate consumers' desire to buy, and then achieve the ultimate goal of expanding product sales. At the same time, a good product image can also enhance consumers' loyalty to trademarks and encourage consumers to buy again and again. Therefore, the higher the visibility of the trademark, the better the image and reputation of the enterprise. From this perspective, trademarks can be said to play a vital role in the development of a company.