Everyone knows that trademark registration can be applied for in the name of a company or in the name of an individual (non-natural person, must have an individual license), and the two have the same effect in a legal sense. But many people have questions about the difference between registration in the name of an individual and registration in the name of a company. Which one is better?
1. Different information provided
1. Registration in the name of a company requires a copy of the company's business license and the official seal of the company.
2. Registration in the name of an individual requires a copy of your personal ID card and a copy of the business license of an individual industrial and commercial household.
2. Different trademark ownership rights
1. Trademarks in the name of the company
The ownership belongs to the company, and corporate legal persons or shareholders of the company do not have exclusive rights to registered trademarks. Yes, if the company is cancelled, the trademark will be invalid. The trademark belongs to the company's property and needs to be liquidated.
2. Trademarks in the name of individuals
Trademarks registered by individuals are only owned by the individual. Although a copy of the self-employed license is provided when applying, the trademark will belong to the individual after the registration is successful. Personal use and control.
3. Different stability
1. The company’s name trademark is unstable
The applicant for the company’s trademark application is the company, and the address is the address on the business license. Registration The trademark must be consistent with the one on the business license. If there is a change in the name or address, the trademark must be changed.
2. Personal name trademarks are relatively stable
The applicant for an individual trademark application is his or her name, and the address is the address on the ID card (it can also be the mailing address). Personal ID cards generally remain unchanged, and trademarks do not need to be changed, so they are relatively stable.
4. Different ownership controls
1. When registering a company, the company decides on the use of the trademark.
2. Individual registration rights are relatively concentrated, and individuals enjoy the exclusive right to trademarks.
5. Different name requirements for applicants
1. Enterprise registered trademark
The applicant must be the enterprise name on the "Business License" and cannot change other names .
2. Individual registered trademarks
A self-employed person can apply for trademark registration in the name of the applicant with the name registered in his "Individual Industrial and Commercial Household Business License", or in the name of the registered trademark on the license. File a trademark registration application in the name of the person in charge.
In conclusion, as mentioned above, whether to apply for a trademark in the name of a company or in the name of an individual completely depends on the trademark applicant. The most important thing is to meet their own development needs and from a long-term perspective. Weigh trademark registration models. Trademark registration, personal name, company name, trademark ownership, ownership control, trademark applicant