As a form of work, graphics can be registered for copyright according to law, but trademark registration is also a form of intellectual property protection. So, what is the difference between graphic copyright registration and trademark registration? The difference between graphic copyright registration and trademark registration. The difference between graphic copyright registration and trademark registration. 1. The application agencies are different. Trademarks are applied for through the Trademark Office, and copyrights are registered through the China Copyright Registration Center. 2. The objects of protection are different. To obtain trademark rights in my country, the trademark registration procedure must be followed, and the first-to-file principle must be implemented. The Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that a trademark approved and registered by the Trademark Office is a registered trademark, and the trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right to use the trademark and is protected by law. Copyright generally arises automatically and does not need to go through certain special procedures. According to the provisions of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, citizens, legal persons and unincorporated organizations in our country regard the completion of a work as a sign of the creation of copyright rather than the publication of it. hour. 3. The protection period is different. The term of a trademark is only 10 years. If it exceeds 10 years, the trademark must be renewed. Once a copyright is registered, the protection period is the life of the author and 50 years after his death. 4. The objects are different. A trademark is the trademark mark itself that distinguishes different operators of the same goods or services and indicates the quality of the goods or services. Copyright (copyright) is the protection of original works such as writing, music, art, and scientific creations.