What role does moxibustion play in the current medical and health care field?
1. Moxibustion can significantly increase red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin and serum immunogens. It can improve the specific and non-specific immune function of human body and promote the body's defense and disease resistance;
2. Moxibustion can regulate abnormal blood pressure and restore it to the normal range; Moxibustion can promote blood circulation and metabolism;
3. Moxibustion can regulate gastrointestinal function and promote digestion and absorption;
4. Moxibustion can improve respiratory function, increase ventilation, vital capacity and oxygen consumption; Can reduce airway resistance in pathological state;
5. Moxibustion can improve renal function; At the same time regulate the nervous system. When the excitement or inhibition of the central nervous system and cerebral cortex is excessively enhanced, moxibustion can restore them to normal.
6. Moxibustion has the function of regulating endocrine;
7. Moxibustion can also relieve fever, inflammation, cancer and pain. Moxibustion can prevent fatigue and restore fatigue.