1, the nature of appellation is different. Product name is the general name of a commodity with the same nature. Most goods are named according to their own performance or function. For example, painkillers are named according to their functions, and glasses are named according to their materials. The function of a trade name is mainly to distinguish products with similar properties from products without such properties, so as to facilitate the identification and identification of products.
2. Distinguishing methods The common names of different commodities are used to distinguish different kinds of commodities, and the special names of commodities are used to distinguish specific commodities and specific objects of the same kind of commodities. Commodity names are naturally formed in the process of use. Although trademarks are also used to distinguish commodities, they are mainly used to distinguish producers and sellers of different commodities. And most of them are designed by users themselves.
3. The generic names of goods with different registration functions are not obvious and cannot be registered as trademarks. They are naturally generated and do not need to go through any formalities, because they can not only distinguish different producers or sellers of goods, but also turn names that should belong to the public into proprietary names, resulting in undue monopoly; As long as the specific name of a commodity does not violate the provisions of Article 11 of the Trademark Law, it must apply for approval before it can become a registered trademark. For example, 2 1 Jinweita, Moutai, toothpaste with double needles, etc. It is not only a specific name of a commodity, but also a registered trademark of a commodity.