Listing is an important way of land public transfer. Refers to the announcement of listing, listing and announcing the trading conditions of transferring land in the municipal land exchange market within the time limit stipulated in the announcement, accepting the bidder's quotation application and updating the listing price, and determining the behavior of land users according to the bidding results at the end of the listing period.
2. Land delisting refers to the success of land auction, which corresponds to the listing of land.
Auction transfer is to auction the land use right to the highest bidder (bidder) in a public place at a specified time and place, that is, to complete the land delisting.
The characteristic of auction transfer mode is that it is conducive to fair competition. It is suitable for the transfer of plots with good location conditions, convenient transportation and great land use flexibility in the central city.
Real estate land listing procedures:
(1) The Land and Resources Bureau issued a transfer announcement for 20 days;
(2) The bidder applies to the Bureau of Land and Resources, obtains delisting transfer documents, provides ownership materials and quotations, and pays the deposit;
(3) The Bureau of Land and Resources examines the materials and quotations of the bidder's registration ownership, and determines the bidder;
(4) Both parties shall sign the transaction confirmation within 10 working days;
(5) Sign the State-owned Land Use Right Transfer Contract within 10 working days after signing the confirmation letter;
(6) Apply for the land use right certificate after paying the land price.