Criteria for determining whether a trademark is well-known:
1. The duration of use of the trademark;
3. The duration and extent of any publicity work for the trademark and geographical scope;
3. The relevant public’s awareness of the trademark;
4. The record of the trademark being protected as a well-known trademark;
5. Other standards for well-known trademark recognition.
Legal Basis
Article 13 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China
A trademark that is well known to the relevant public, the holder believes When its rights are infringed, it may apply for well-known trademark protection in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
If a trademark applied for registration on the same or similar goods is a copy, imitation or translation of someone else’s well-known trademark that has not been registered in China and is likely to cause confusion, it will not be registered and its use will be prohibited.
Article 14
Well-known trademarks shall be determined at the request of the parties as facts that need to be determined in handling trademark cases. The following factors should be considered in determining a well-known trademark:
(1) The degree of awareness of the trademark by the relevant public;
(2) The duration of use of the trademark;
(3) The duration, extent and geographical scope of any publicity work for the trademark;
(4) The record of the trademark being protected as a well-known trademark;
(5) The Other factors that make a trademark famous.