Wine culture is not only reflected in festivals, but also in folk customs and etiquette. It is the custom of the Chinese nation to worship gods and ancestors. Wine is sacred, and it is indispensable in sacrifice. "Anyone who drinks should be stung first and stand tall." Before farming, farmers should propose a toast to the god of fields, and boatmen should propose a toast to the god of rivers for peace. People who want to be the first will drink for a few days to celebrate. Life is important, and marriage comes first. When men and women get married, they should drink foreign wine and acacia wine. Give birth to children, add Ding to import, drink three dynasties wine and hold full moon wine. Old people should hold birthday wine on their birthdays. Guests come to the door and serve wine; Friends go hiking and give wine a farewell party. Besides, wine is also indispensable, which can be used to promote literature and martial arts, pray for rain and choose good luck, build houses and beams, wish a happy new year, become friends with gangs, learn from teachers, have fun at parties and travel. In China, alcohol permeates every aspect of people's lives. If you have wine, you will be happy, if you have wine, you will be comforted, if you don't have wine, you will be respectful, and if you don't have wine, you will be polite.
Wine is the product of human material civilization, and wine culture is the expression of human spiritual civilization. In the vast history, people praised the merits of wine, worshipped Brewmaster, the god of wine, set foot in restaurants, appreciated wine vessels and dishes, evaluated the color and fragrance of wine, entertained drinkers and raised wine, and observed wine customs and rituals. People express their joys and sorrows, express their feelings and interesting things in drinking, and create rich wine culture and art.