Nylon thread is commonly used for sutures on leather bags, while wool thread is commonly used on knitted sweaters. In the major categories, they all belong to the thread category and auxiliary materials. In the subcategories, different threads also have different classifications. This kind of auxiliary materials are also relatively common in the market. Of course, if there is no brand, the company will not be able to go far. In short, if you want your brand to become bigger and stronger, you must have your own trademark.
In today's market where the business model is gradually maturing, the risks that companies need to bear when registering trademarks themselves are very large, so there is trademark purchase, that is, trademark transfer, through which trademark transfer can quickly Owning a trademark of your own has low risk and high success rate. The following is a summary of the trademark transfer process and materials to be prepared.
Nylon thread and woolen yarn belong to Class 23 textile yarn and thread.
1. Trademark transfer process for nylon thread and wool yarn:
1. Confirm the intention to purchase the trademark and provide a copy of the ID card and business license
2. Sign the contract Trademark purchase entrustment agreement, partial advance payment.
3. The seller prepares the original trademark registration certificate, a scanned copy of the notarial certificate, and other relevant signed documents
4. After the seller’s information is verified by our website and is correct, it will be confirmed by the buyer and the payment will be made. Clearing the balance
5. Our website will report all the above information to the Trademark Office. After the Trademark Office has reviewed and verified that it is correct, a certificate of approval of trademark transfer registration will be issued.
2. Materials to be prepared for trademark transfer of nylon thread and wool yarn:
1. "Registered Trademark Transfer Application", signed and sealed by both parties
2. The trademark transfer agreement/contract is drawn up by the agent, signed and sealed by the transferor and the transferee, and can be notarized;
3. Copies of the transferor’s and transferee’s ID cards and business licenses;< /p>
4. If an agent is entrusted with the transfer, the agent shall prepare a "Trademark Agency Power of Attorney", which must be signed and sealed by the principal
5. The transferor shall provide the original copy of the "Trademark Transfer Certificate";
6. If the contract, "Trademark Registration Certificate" and other materials have been notarized, submit the corresponding notarization certificate;
7. If the application documents are in foreign languages, they should also provide the signature and seal of the translation agency. Chinese translation.
3. Trademark recommendations for nylon threads and woolen threads:
As it becomes increasingly difficult to register trademarks, choosing to transfer trademarks is a win-win choice for both the company and the product. , the success rate is high and the time is short, it can help you quickly own your own trademark to open the market, establish your own brand values, and cultivate your own consumer customers. In summary, today Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Network has compiled for you the trademark transfer process and materials for nylon threads and woolen threads.