Mariner of the Seas has four itineraries this year: all are 7-night itineraries
1. Galveston (Texas); Cozumel (Mexico); George City (Grand Cayman); Fairmouth (Jamaica); Galveston (Texas) Departure date: 2012-11-25 2012-12-09
2. Galve Houston (Texas); Rote Island (Honduras); Belize City (Belize); Cozumel (Mexico); Galveston (Texas) Departure date: 2012-11-18 2012-12-02 2012-12-16
3. Galveston (Texas); Rote Island (Honduras); Belize City (Belize); Cozumel ( Mexico); Galveston (Texas) Departure date: 2012-12-30
4. Galveston (Texas); Eight Rivers (Jamaica); Georgetown ( Grand Cayman Island); Cozumel (Mexico); Galveston (Texas) Departure date: 2012-12-23