Difference 1. The scope is different. Ownership is the various rights enjoyed by the trademark registrant or the rights successor to the registered trademark within the statutory period. The right to use is only the right to use within a certain period of time and within a certain scope. The scope of ownership is wider than the scope of use rights, and the right of use is included in ownership.
Difference 2: Whether there is disposal power. The owner has the right to dispose, but the right to use only has the right to use, not the right to dispose.
Difference three: different values. Ownership does not create added value, but the right to use does.
The added value of the right to use a trademark refers to the part of the value that exceeds the general value related to the product or service identified by the trademark. The added value of a trademark's use value does not exist once it is registered. It is gradually generated during the use of the trademark as the quality of the product or service identified by the trademark improves.
Extended information
The added value of the right to use a trademark
The added value of the right to use a trademark refers to the products and services identified by the trademark, the value of which exceeds General value portion.
The added value of a trademark's use value does not exist once it is registered. It is gradually generated during the use of the trademark as the quality of the product or service identified by the trademark improves.
The formation process of the added value of the right to use a trademark is: Ordinary products or services Functional trademarks Style trademarks Potential trademarks.
The process of generating the added value of trademark use rights is divided into four stages:
(1) The right to use trademarks that identify ordinary products and services has no added value. At this stage, the trademark right may only have a general value.
(2) Buyers can observe functional differences between different brands in the same product or service market. Buyers will choose products based on this difference. At this time, the right to use the trademark begins to show added value. This added value is linked to these "functions" of the product or service.
(3) There are differences in style between the products identified by various trademarks, which can satisfy more spiritual needs of buyers. At this time, the added value of the right to use the trademark also It has been improved accordingly, and the added value shown is not only functional, but also spiritual.
(4) After reaching the style level, if producers and operators continue to create, their trademarks will always remain attractive, and the style of this trademark will continue, so that buyers will gradually become more interested in this trademark. If a trademark forms permanent loyalty and trust, the added value of the trademark will be further increased. This kind of trademark is called a potential trademark.
The added value of the trademark at this time shows the consistent level of products and services, and can also give the same characteristics to new products under the trade name.
Reference material: Baidu Encyclopedia_Trademark usage rights
Reference material: Baidu Encyclopedia_Trademark ownership?