English words starting with X:
1. Xalloy
Copper-aluminum alloy?
2. >Mansion, palace, paradise?
3. xanthochromin.
Blonde Caucasian?
4. xenidium
5. xenocurrency
[7zenE5kQrEnsi] n.
Foreign currency (circulated outside the territory of the original issuing country)?
6. xenogeneic
[9zenEJdVI`ni:Ik,9zi:-] adj.
[生]Xenogeneic allogeneic?
7. xenogenetic [7zenEudVi5neitik ] adj.
[Biology] Naturally occurring?
8. xenon [5zenCn] n.
Xenon (a type of inert gas, element symbol Xe )?
9. xenophobia
[7zenE5fEubiE] n.
Xenophobia, xenophobia?
10. Xeranthemum [ziE5rAnWimEm] [xeranthemum ]
Dried and fresh flowers
11. xerantic [zIE`rAntIk] adj.?
Dehumidifying, drying?
< p>12. xerocopy [`zIErEJ9kCpI] n.(static) copy?
13. xerodermia n.
Dry skin disease, xeroderma ?
14. xerography [zi5rC^rEfi] n.
15. xeroma [ziE5rEumE] n.
[Medical] Dry ophthalmia, dry eye disease?
16. Xerox [5ziErCks]
Xerox copier (trade name)?
17. Xmas [ 5krIsmEs] n.
18. xylene [5zaili:n] n.
[Chemical] xylene?
19. xylitol [5zailE7tCl] n.
20. xylograph [5zailE7^rB:f] n.?
Woodblock prints
21. xylophone [5zailEfEun] n.
22. xyphoid [5zifCid] n.
Sword-shaped Cartilage, xiphoid adj. Xiphoid?
23. X-RAY
There are many others starting with X
< p>xero-?dry...xerocheilia?dry lips...
xerocollyrium?dry eye ointment...
xerocopy?n.static Copy...
xerocoty? static electricity, electrostatic copy...
xeroderma? n. xeroderma, dry skin disease xeroderma, xeroderma...< /p>
xerodermatic? Xeroderma, dry skin...
xerodermia? Xeroderma, dry skin...
xerodermosteosis? Dry skin Ossification, xerodermal osteogenesis...
xeroform?n.xeroform, bismuth tribromophenolate, xeroform xeroform, tribromophenol...
< p>xerogel? xerogel xerogel...<p>xerograph? Dry printing method, electrostatic printing...
xerographic? a. Electrostatic printing (art) electrostatic...
xerography?n. Photocopying; dry printing electrostatic copying...
xeroma? Dry conjunctiva, dry eye disease...
xeromenia? Dry menstruation, dry menstruation...
xeromycteria? Dry nose...
xeronosus? Sjogren's disease...
xerophagia? Dry food, dry food method...
xerophagy ?Dry food, dry food method...
xerophilous? a. Suitable for drought, drought-friendly, drought-dwelling...
xerophobia? Terrifying cessation of saliva secretion. ..
xerophthalmia?n. Dry eyes, dry eye disease Dry eyes, dry eye disease...
xerophthalmus? Dry eyes, dry eye disease...
xeroprinting?dry printing...
xeroradiography?n.dry radiography dry plate radiography...< /p>
xeroradiogrphy? Dry radiography...
xerosin? Xeroxin...
xerosis? n. .
xerostomia? Dry mouth...
xerotes? Dryness...
xerotic? Dryness [disease]...
< p>xerotocia?dry production...xerotripsis?dry rub...
xerox?vt.electrostatic copyvi.electrostatic copy...
XFER? Transmission, transfer, transfer...
Xiaoqujiu? Xiaoqujiu...
xibornol? Hippophenol; Isobornyl xylenol...
< p>Ximenia?Ximenia genus (Acyonaceae)...Xinhua?Xinhua News Agency...
xiphi? Xiphi, xiphoid process...
xiphidin? Swordfish essence botulinum toxin...
xiphin? Swordfish spermatin swordfish protamine ,xiphisternal?xiphisternal?xiphisternal...
xiphocostal?xiphocostal? Rib protrusion...
xiphodidymus?xiphoid process...
xiphodymus?xiphoid process...
xiphodynia?xiphoid process pain ...
xiphoid? n. Xiphoid process a. Xiphoid process, xiphoid process...
xiphoidalgia? Xiphoid process pain...
XM?execution node...
Xmas?n.Christmas ...
Xmodem?Xmodem protocol...
Xmodem/CRC?Xmodem/CRC protocol...< /p>
XMP? Xanthoside; Xanthoside monophosphate...
XNS? .
XON/XOFF?XON/XOFF protocol...
PL language...
XPS? X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy...
XR? External reset...
XWindows?XWindows software system...< /p>
xylan? Xylan xylan, xylan gum...
xylanthrax? Charcoal, charcoal...
xylazine? Xylazine; Xylazine...
xylem? n. Xylem (plant fiber bundle). ..
xylene?n. xylenesulfonate? (a tuberculosis virus)...
xylenol? xylenol; mixed xylenol xylenol...
xylenol-salol? xylenol salol. ..
xylidine?n. Xylidino...
ylindein?Dylindein, xylindein (dye)...
xylitone?Acetone oil...
x ?n. Unknown number exchange, indexing, indexing, transmission...
X,2-distribution?χ,2 distribution...
X,2-test?χ, 2 test; Chi-square test...
X-address?X address...
x-axis?n. axis, abscissa axisX axis, abscissa... .
x-band?X band...
x-bar?X bar...
X-component?X component...< /p>
X-coordinate?X coordinate...
x-element?X component (chromosome cluster)...
X-film?n.(English )Restricted movie...
x-gram?X-ray [photo]...
x-knee? Crossed knee, knee valgus...
x-leg? Crossed knee, knee valgus...
X-parameter?χ parameter. ..
X-radiation?n. rated? a. (U.S.) prohibited for children to watch, restrictive...
x-ray? a. X-ray vt. X-ray examination, X-ray vi...
X-rays? X-rays, X-rays, Roentgen lines...
x-wave?X wave...
X-window?X window...
X.?One-tenth effect Degree (homeopathy), Kimberk's X-ray agent...
X.25?X.25 standard...
X/Open?X/Open organization. ..
xanchromatic? Yellow...
XANES? X-ray absorption near-edge structure...
xanthaematin? Hemoflavin, yellow heme (heme yellow derivative...
xanthaline? Papaverone base, opium yellow...
xanthate?n. ..
xanthation?xanthate; vulcanization; viscose fiber vulcanization...
xanthein? anthocyanin, phytoxanthin...
xanthelasma ?Xanthelasma...
xanthelasmatosis?Xanthelasmoidea? Hemoxanthin, yellow heme (yellow derivative of heme...
xanthemia? carotenemia [disease]...
xanthene?┷tonguton, Xanthene...
xanthenone? .
xanthic?a. Yellow, xanthine, yellowish yellow, yellow...
xanthide? Plant xanthin...
< p>xanthin?n. Lutein Phytoxanthin...xanthine?n. A crystalline substance produced by the thermal decomposition of ammonium urea...
xanthinoxidase?xanthine oxidase...
xanthippe? ..
xanthochroi?pl. white race...
xanthochroia? yellowing, yellowing (skin) ...
xanthochromic?a. Caucasian...
xanthochromatic? Yellow...
xanthochromia? Yellow discoloration (cerebrospinal fluid or skin )...
xanthochromic? Yellow, yellow...
xanthochromous? Yellow-skinned...
xanthocilin? Xanthocillin...
xanthocyanopsia? Red-green color blindness, yellow-cyanopsia...
xanthocystine? Amino acid...
xanthocyte? Yellow cell...
xanthoderm? Yellow skin person, yellow race person...
xanthoderma? Yellow skin, skin Yellowing...
xanthodont? Yellow teeth...
xanthodontous? Yellow teeth...
xanthogenamide? .
xanthogenation? >
xanthogranulomatosis? xanthoma xanthomat...
osis? >
xanthomyeloma?Xanthomyeloma, xanthosarcoma...
xanthone? Ketones...
anthophane? Retinoflavin...
xanthophore? Xanthophores (cold-blooded animals)...
xanthophose? Yellow vision ...
xanthopyl?n. Lutein, caroteol...
xanthophyll? Lutein...
xanthopia? ...
xanthopicrite? Zanthoxylum bungeanum resin...
xanthoplasty? Yellow skin, skin turns yellow...
xanthoproteic? Xanthoproteic? ...
xanthopsin? Retina...
xanthopsis? [Cancer] yellow pigmentation...
xanthopsydracia? /p>
xanthopterin? >xanthopuccine? Cannadine (a North American coptis)...
xanthopurpurin? 1,3-dihydroxyanthraquinone...
xanthorhamnin? Xanthoside. ..
xanthorrhiza? Yellow root tree...
xanthorrhoea? Australian fragrant tree, aromatic resin...
xanthorubin? Serum yellow pigment (serum after liver resection (seen inside)...
xanthosarcoma? xanthosarcoma, xanthomyeloma...
xanthosine? xanthosine riboside...
xanthosis? Xanthoderma, xanthosis...
xanthothricin? Toxoflavin...
xanthotoxin? Oxidized psoralen, methoxysaurolen, xanthan Poison...
xanthous?a. Yellow, yellow race, Mongoloid yellow,...
xanthoxylene?Panthoxylum terpene...
xanthoxylin?Xanthoxylin, cinnamon...
xanthuria? p>
xanthyl? of...
xantorubin? Serum yellow pigment (found in serum after liver resection)...
xaser?n.Ray maser...
XCOPY?DOS external command...
Xe?Xenon (element 45)...
XEDIT? System Product Extension Editor...
xenbucin? Biphenyl butyric acid...
xenembole? Foreign body introduction, foreign body invasion...
xenene? ??Biphenyl...
xenenthesis? introduction of foreign matter, invasion of foreign matter
xenia? Seed intuition...
xenial? a. Cross-pollinated...
xenium? Gift... p>
XENIX? UNIX-based operating system...
xeno-? External, foreign body...
xenodiagnosis?n. Allogeneic inoculation diagnostic method, disease Vector inoculation diagnostic method, animal inoculation...
xenogamy?n. Cross-pollination of different strains...
xenogenesis?n. Natural occurrence, alternation of generations, alternation of parent-child heterogeneous generations...
xenogenetic?a.Natural occurrence, alternation of generations...
xenogenic? Allogeneic, in vitro, heterogeneous...
xenogenous? Allogeneic extracorporeal...
xenograft?n. Xenograft...
xenol? biphenol; phenylphenol...
xenomenia? Compensatory menstruation, ectopic menstruation...
xenon? n. Parasitizes when the host is weak)...
xenophile? A person who likes foreigners and their cultural relics...
xenophobe?n. A person who fears and hates foreigners Hate foreigners, fear...
xenophobia?n. Unreasonable fear and hatred of foreigners/strangers, fear of foreigners...
xenophobic?a. Fear and hatred of foreigners xenophobia, fear of foreigners...
xenophonia? tone variation...
xenophthalmia? foreign body ophthalmia...
xenopsin? claw Bufopsin...
Xenopsylla? ...
xenylamine? benzylamine; phenylaniline...
xeransis? n. drying, dehumidification drying, dehumidification...
xeranthemum?n.Annual Cinderella...
xerantic? Drying, dehumidifying...
xeraphium? Drying powder, dehumidifying powder...
xerasia? Dry disease...
xeric? a. Dry, dry environment, drought-resistant, desert-like...
xerium? Dry powder, Dehumidification powder...
xylobalsamum? balsam...
xylocarp?n. woody fruit...
xylocarpous?a. Woody fruit...
xylocassia?Cassia wood...
xylochloral?Xylose trichloroacetaldehyde...
xylocinnamomum? cinnamon [tree]...
xylogen? lignin, lignin...
xylograph?n. woodblock, woodblock print, woodcut Edition...
xylographer?n. Wood carver...
xylographic?a. Woodcut, woodblock, woodblock painting...
xylographic?a. Woodcut, woodblock, woodblock print...
xylography?n. Woodcut (skill), woodblock printing method...
xyloid?a. Woody, woody...
xyloidin? Wood explosive, xyloidin nitrated starch (an explosive)...
xyloketose? Xylulose xylulose. ..
n. Mixed xylene xylene xylene...
xyloma? Xyloma (plant)...
xylon? Wood; wood fiber...
xylonamide? Wood amide...
xylonite? n. (English) celluloid, false ivory celluloid, False ivory...
xylopal? Wood opal; petrified wood...
xylophagous? a. Wood-eating, wood-eating, wood-boring...
xylophonist?n.Xylophone player...
xylopropamine? Dimethylamphetamine; Xylopropamine...
xylopyranose? Dimethylquinone...
xylorcinol? 4,6-dimethylresorcinol; xyloserecinol...
xylose?n. ?Xylosone, primrose, primrose...
xylosone? p>xylostein? Honeysuckle...
xylosuria? Xylosuria...
xylotherapy? Xylotherapy (a type of suggestive therapy)...
xylotomous?a. Being able to drill wood, having the ability to corrode wood...
xylotomy?n. Wood anatomy, wood slicing...
< p>xyloyl?xyloyl...xylulokinase?xylulokinase...
xylyl?n.xylyl, methylbenzylxylyl; methylbenzyldimethyl...
xylylchloride?methylbenzyl chloride...
xylylene?n.phenylenedimethylxylenedimethyl... .
xylylenediamine? .
xysma? Flake, pseudo-diaphragm (seen in diarrhea and feces)...
xyst?n. Porch, forest path...
xyster?n.bone scraper,bone scraper,bone scraper,bone scraper