1. Trademark search report
The Turkish Patent Office conducts a search for previously registered or applied Turkish trademarks and issues a search report. The applicant will receive the above search report before the trademark is approved for publication and decide whether to arrange for trademark publication.
2. Trademark form review
After the application is submitted, the legality review of the submitted application documents, trademark drawings, power of attorney and other documents will be conducted; if the regulations are met, the application date and Application number.
3. Trademark substantive examination
When the Turkish Patent Office examines a Turkish trademark application, it only examines its registrability (i.e. distinctiveness), also known as absolute grounds, and does not Review on relative grounds, that is, no prior rights will be cited to reject the application.
4. Turkish Trademark Announcement
After review, if the examiner believes that the trademark application can be accepted, an announcement will be published on the Turkish Official Trademark Announcement. The objection period is three months from the date of announcement.
5. Turkish Trademark Registration Approval
Trademarks that are found to be registrable after opposition, or trademarks that have been announced as having no objections will be approved for registration and a registration certificate will be issued. The entire smooth application process (if there are no rejections, objections, etc.) takes about 15-24 months.