Yamaha. The Yamaha brand is known for its high quality, fine craftsmanship and good sound quality, and its products include a variety of trumpet models suitable for beginners and professional players. Trumpet (English name: Trumpet), also known as trumpet, is a kind of brass instrument. Among all brass instruments, the trumpet has the highest articulation and sound. The trumpet is notated using the treble clef of the staff. Play with fixed solfa, the fixed pitch concept. There are trumpets in the world today with B flat, D, E flat, E, F, G, A, treble (an octave higher) B flat, etc. These keys are determined based on playing the treble of the first overtone series. . There are two types of trumpets: the vertical key trumpet (the piston is a trumpet that moves up and down) and the flat key trumpet (the piston is a trumpet that rotates). The vertical key trumpet is the most widely used.