Pandas generally refer to Dutch rabbits, which are native to Germany. They are famous large-scale dual-purpose varieties with unknown breeding history. It is said that they are a cross between a Belgian rabbit and a French giant rabbit. Panda rabbit's fur is white, and its nose, mouth, eyes and ears are black. There is a serrated black belt from the neck along the back to the tail root, several symmetrical butterfly-shaped black spots on both sides of the body, and a V-shaped white block on the face.
Rabbits are the general name of all genera of the family Rabbit. Commonly known as rabbits. Biological classification: Chordata, Vertebrates, Mammalian Rabbits, Animal Kingdom. Rabbits have long tubular ears (ears are several times wider than ears), short tufted tails, and strong hind legs are much longer than forelimbs. ***9 genera and 43 species.