Trademark usage fees paid by an enterprise are generally accounted for through other business costs-trademark usage rights. How should the relevant accounting entries be prepared?
Accounting entries for payment of trademark usage fees
Debit: other business costs - trademark use rights
Credit: bank deposits
Other business Cost refers to the expenditure incurred by the enterprise for daily operating activities other than its main business activities. Other business costs include the cost of sales materials, depreciation of leased fixed assets, amortization of leased intangible assets, cost or amortization of leased packaging, etc. If the cost model is used to measure investment real estate, the depreciation or amortization provided for the investment real estate will also constitute other business costs.
Accounting entries for purchasing trademark rights
Trademark rights are included in intangible assets.
Debit: intangible assets
Taxes payable - value-added tax payable (input tax)
Debit: bank deposits, etc.
Tangible assets refer to identifiable non-monetary assets without physical form owned or controlled by an enterprise. Mainly including patent rights, non-patented technology, trademark rights, copyrights, franchise rights, etc. Compared with other assets, intangible assets have three main characteristics:
1. They do not have a physical form.
2. Identifiable.
3. It is a non-monetary long-term asset.