International protection of trademarks, the use of trademarks has a long history. Especially since the 19th century, the world economy has grown rapidly and international trade has developed rapidly, which has also resulted in some businessmen counterfeiting and using their own trademarks in other countries. So what is the international protection of trademarks? International protection of trademarks What is the international protection of trademarks? The Paris Convention is the world's earliest international treaty for the protection of industrial intellectual property and the most important convention under the administration of the World Intellectual Property Organization. In addition to invention patents, industrial designs, and utility models, the scope of its protection also includes trademarks, service marks, manufacturer names, etc. The Madrid Agreement for the International Registration of Trademarks was signed on April 14, 1891, which is another important international convention for the international protection of trademarks. The purpose of signing this agreement is to establish an international trademark registration system uniformly managed by the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization. The Madrid Agreement on the International Registration of Trademarks was adopted at the Madrid Diplomatic Conference on June 27, 1989. The Agreement was signed in French, English and Spanish and has equal validity. my country has officially become a member state of the Madrid Agreement on the International Registration of Trademarks on October 4, 1989. Conventions, treaties, and agreements related to the international protection of trademarks include: "Trademark Registration Treaty" (adopted at the Vienna Diplomatic Conference on June 12, 1973), "Nice Agreement on the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purpose of Trademark Registration" (1957 on Signed in Nice, France), "Vienna Agreement on the International Classification of Figurative Elements of Trademarks" (adopted at the Diplomatic Conference in Vienna, Austria on June 12, 1973), "Madrid Agreement for the Suppression of False or Deceptive Markings of the Origin of Goods" (signed in Madrid in 1891) , "Nairobi Treaty for the Protection of the Olympic Emblem" (adopted in Nairobi on September 26, 1981), etc. In addition, the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in the World Trade Organization Agreement establishes comprehensive protection for copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights, geographical indication rights, integrated circuit layout design rights, etc. and makes provisions for intellectual property enforcement and dispute settlement. stipulated.