1. What is a trademark?
A trademark is a symbol used by producers and operators of commodities on the commodities they produce, manufacture, process, select and distribute or on the services provided by service providers, so as to distinguish the commodities or services of one operator from those of other operators.
2. What are the registered trademarks?
Trademarks approved for registration by the Trademark Office are registered trademarks, including commodity trademarks, service trademarks, collective trademarks and certification trademarks.
Commodity trademark: it is the symbol of commodity. It is the most basic form of trademark, and trademark usually refers to commodity trademark.
Service trademark: refers to the symbol used by service providers to distinguish their services from those provided by others.
Collective trademark: refers to a sign registered in the name of a group, association or other organization and used exclusively by members of the organization in commercial activities to show the membership of users in the organization.
Certification trademark: a trademark controlled by an organization with the ability to detect and supervise goods or services and used by people outside it to prove the origin, raw materials, manufacturing methods, quality, accuracy or other specific qualities of the goods or services.
3. Do trademarks have to be registered before they can be used?
Except for goods that must use registered trademarks as stipulated by the state, trademarks may not be registered. At present, China's laws and regulations stipulate that tobacco products must register trademarks.
4. How to use the registered trademark?
According to China's Regulations on the Implementation of the Trademark Law, the use of registered trademarks can be marked with "registered trademarks" or registration marks on commodities, commodity packages, manuals or other accessories.
In addition, the process of trademark registration review is also relatively long, and some even reach 1 year. If you want to make the trademark registration of electronic products faster, you'd better choose the help of a professional trademark registration agency.