This is actually very simple. Rap ??is mainly based on adjusting the atmosphere, combined with MC's rap skills and strong beat, and is suitable for expressing various emotions. R&B adds more melody to the beat and rythm of hiphop, and the singing method has also changed from rap's half-singing and half-talking to pure singing. It requires singers to have good singing skills and voices, and to be deeply involved and have tender rnb. There are also more dynamic rnb, but one thing is indispensable for rhythm and blues, that is, the theme of the lyrics is mainly sad, because blue refers to this. Hiphop can be regarded as a combination of rap and rnb, interspersing some rap with dynamic rnb, or making rap more popular and with richer beat forms. We can collectively refer to these three types of music as RnP music. R refers to rythm, n is and, and P is passion, which is passion. This passion can be happiness or sadness, anger or confusion, pursuit or expectation. This is Black people are innately gifted with songs, and they sing with their souls, thus giving birth to this supreme music style that is popular all over the world. . .