Trademark classification * * * includes 45 categories, including 34 categories of goods, services 1 1, and * * * includes more than 10000 goods and services. Generally speaking, all the goods and services that an applicant needs are included. Not only all members of the Nice alliance use this classification table, but also non-nice alliance members can use it. The difference is that members of the Nice Alliance can participate in the revision of the classification table, while non-member countries have no right to participate.
Before registering a trademark, we must make clear the classification of the trademark, so we must first have the detailed information courseware of the commodity classification table; Secondly, it is clear whether it is a commodity or a service. Goods are found in the top 34 categories (1-34), and services are found in the top 1 1 category (35-45). Finally, according to their specific attributes of goods or services, determine the major categories, and carefully find and determine the minor categories under the major categories (we call them similar groups); After finding the needed goods or services in a small category (approximate group), the approximate group belongs to the specific classification of trademarks; It should be noted that some goods or services need to be cross-searched when querying, and there are generally comments after similar groups; The classification table of goods and services can be purchased or obtained from the agency, and the general agency will also provide inquiry services.
In order to avoid trouble, you can entrust an intellectual property agent when registering a trademark. You don't have to worry about the whole process. Professional agents of intellectual property will always help you solve problems and get your own trademarks faster.
Classification of trademark registration Nice classification