Which category of trademark does the auto parts trademark belong to? How to transfer auto parts trademark? The current position of auto parts in the automobile market cannot be underestimated. Many retailers have set up their own brands to do big business and created their own brands. So which of the 45 trademark categories does the auto parts trademark belong to? Can auto parts trademarks be transferred? What are the procedures for transferring auto parts trademarks? Which category of trademark does the auto parts trademark belong to? One of the 45 major categories of trademarks may be for automobiles, but many people actually misunderstand this point. Because trademark classification is very detailed, especially auto parts belong to multiple categories. Most auto parts belong to Class 12 transportation tools, but the headlights and taillights in auto parts belong to Class 11 air-conditioning lamps. Seat cushion accessories in automobiles belong to Category 27 carpets, and mat trademarks and cleaning supplies belong to Category 3 daily chemical products trademarks. Therefore, auto parts trademarks are divided into many categories. 1201 Trains and their parts 1203 Motorcycles and their parts (excluding tires) 1204 Bicycles, tricycles and their parts (excluding tires) 1205 Cable cars, overhead transportation equipment 1206 Wheelchairs, trolleys, children's carriages 1207 Animal-drawn vehicles 1208 Tires and Tire repair tool 1209 Air carrier 1210 Water carrier How to transfer the trademark of auto parts? 1. The buyer selects a trademark, determines the trademark to be purchased, and then signs a trademark purchase agreement; 2. The buyer pays a deposit and has the trademark notarized under the arrangement of Bajie Intellectual Property. The notarization time takes about a week. 3. After completing the notarization, Bajie Intellectual Property will send the electronic version of the notarization certificate and trademark certificate to the buyer; 4. After the buyer has paid the balance, Bajie Intellectual Property will send the original trademark certificate and notarization certificate as well as the relevant trademark transfer information. The information is obtained from the seller and sent to the buyer. 5. After the buyer receives the information, he or she must keep the originals of the trademark certificate and notarial certificate, as well as a copy of the "Trademark Use Authorization", confirm the other materials, stamp them and return them to Bajie Intellectual Property. 6. After receiving the information, Bajie Intellectual Property submitted it to the Trademark Office, and finally the buyer and seller completed the trademark transfer. Which category of trademark does the auto parts trademark belong to? How to transfer auto parts trademark? We have answered this question for you here. If you want to apply for auto parts trademark transfer, please contact our online customer service, or call the Bajie Intellectual Property National Free Service Hotline. We have many years of professional intellectual property agency experience and first-class The business team and the concept of serving customers wholeheartedly will definitely help you apply smoothly.