Introduction to the trademark registration process
1. Trademark inquiry refers to the inquiry whether the trademark applied for by the trademark registration applicant or his agent is the same as or similar to the trademark with prior rights before applying for registration. Inquire about the Chinese and English contained in the trademark to be registered. According to the requirements of the trademark applicant, check with the General Administration of Trademark of China whether the same or similar trademark has been registered first.
2. design and make trademark patterns.
3. Apply for trademark registration. Although registered trademarks follow the principle of voluntary inquiry, this work can greatly reduce the risk of trademark registration and improve the certainty of trademark registration (it is recommended to inquire before applying). Therefore, enterprises need to submit the scope of use of trademarks, goods or services for inquiry.
Application stage:
1. Submit documents and report them to the Trademark Office.
2. The corresponding materials to be provided are:
(1) Trademark application by individuals: a. A copy of personal identity card; B, a copy of the individual business license (the person in charge of the license should be consistent with the name of the applicant); C, a black and white draft of the trademark; D. trademark category; E. power of attorney for trademark registration
(2) company application: a. a copy of the business license (both positive and negative); B, a black-and-white draft of the trademark; C. trademark category; D. power of attorney for trademark registration
3. Formal acceptance and examination stage: formal examination passes the substantive examination of the acceptance notice issued by the Trademark Office;
4. announcement stage: substantive examination, preliminary examination and registration.
5. In the registration stage, the Trademark Office issues a registration certificate. Any well-known enterprise will attach great importance to brand protection, and it is necessary to register a trademark if the brand is to be protected.
6. Time flow of domestic trademark registration:
1) Entrusted agent: 1 working day
2) Acceptance receipt: about 1 month
3) Trademark review: 1-18 months
4) Trademark announcement: 3 months (the above time is calculated according to successful registration, and the actual time is subject to the Trademark Office, if it is in the process of trademark review.