Your second picture can be registered, and the first picture contains a separate Sichuan, which belongs to the geographical name, and registration is prohibited; The Sichuan flavor in the second picture can be removed, and if it is not removed, it will be treated as "giving up exclusive rights". If you register for the second time, as long as the trademark examiner is not a fool, it will not be rejected for you. Even if a fool rejects it, you can register after rejection, because your Chinese characters and fonts are not exactly the same. His has graphics and English, and yours has no pictures. This is a big difference.
Guizhou Modern Heritage Liquor Co., Ltd. registered 33 categories of "Teasing the Emperor to Cook", and you registered 43 categories, which are totally different from one category.
Sichuan Doudi Cook Catering Management Co., Ltd. has completed the rejection review, and whether it can be registered will not be known until February next year.