During the trademark registration process, many people may not know what the blind period is for trademark registration? There is a blind period for trademark registration searches, which will result in the inability to search for a period of time. During the trademark registration process, due to the existence of the blind period, the risk of passing the registration is greatly increased.
Next, Biaomei will give you some popular science about the blind spots in trademark registration inquiries. The blind period refers to the time from submission to entry of trademark registration applications after the Trademark Office accepts trademark applications. Due to the large volume of trademark applications, The Trademark Office system lasts for 3-6 months, which is a vacuum period; during the trademark blind period, many trademarks are not entered into the database, so no one can query trademark information. In other words, if an applicant wants to apply for a trademark, he cannot avoid the risk of the blind period for trademark registration inquiries.
So how should applicants deal with the blind period for trademark registration inquiries?
1. After the applicant has determined the trademark name and constituent elements, submit the application to the Trademark Office as soon as possible, the sooner the better
2. It is recommended that the applicant not blindly follow popular TV series, Novels, popular terms, etc., such as "Mr. Lover" and "Negotiator" are recently popular on the Internet, and everyone is rushing to register these trademarks.
3. After submitting a trademark application, you should make a search every six months or so. If you cannot find any newly added factors that are similar to your trademark, then you have basically avoided the risk of the blind period of trademark registration, leaving you with The next one is waiting for review.
If you encounter professional knowledge such as trademark registration blind spots during the trademark registration process, you can log in for consultation. The platform has highly professional agents who believe they can solve your problems. Trademark registration applicationTrademark registration inquiry