Methods to identify authenticity and counterfeiting are:
Anti-counterfeiting query: In order to effectively prevent counterfeit products and safeguard consumer rights, starting from September 2010, all major products of Dulux have adopted Advanced anti-counterfeiting barcode labeling system, which not only provides detailed product production date, production batch number, product certificate and other important information, but also has unique high-tech anti-counterfeiting functions;
Look at the appearance: Dulux adopts The machine seals the mouth of the bucket. The mouth of the bucket is smooth and has no dirty spots. The genuine lid is difficult to open. After opening, the back is similar to the lid of the yogurt we often drink. The paint is even and thick, while on the fake one, you can see that there are There are obvious traces of secondary sealing. The mouth of the barrel is not smooth after opening the lid, and there are traces of dried paint and opening;
Look at the packaging: the genuine Dulux is beautifully packaged and the small barrel is strong. It will not work if you press it lightly with your hands. The puppy on the icon has no visible glasses or tongue, and its tail is lying to the right;
Look at the trademark: Dulux paint is divided into many different series according to grade, currently sold in the market The counterfeit products are mainly "Dulux environmentally friendly wood paint", "Dulux environmentally friendly wall paint", etc. The labels "Germany Dulux", "French Dulux" and "Hong Kong Dulux" are all fakes. Consumers need to pay attention to Dulux. All paint products have only one trademark "Dulux";
Smell: Genuine Dulux paint generally has no smell, or has only a faint fragrance, while fake ones have a pungent smell;
p>Touch and feel: After opening the barrel, if you cannot tell from the smell, you can use your fingers to pinch it gently. The genuine Dulux has small particles and a smooth feel. It dries the conjunctiva within a few minutes. The conjunctiva has a certain degree of ductility. Counterfeit particles can be used. Uneven, rough to the touch, and unable to form a film.
Thank you, I hope it helps.