Food refers to various finished products and raw materials for human consumption or drinking. In a broad sense, it includes many types and it is impossible to list them all. However, because it contains the necessary elements needed by people’s bodies, Therefore, it is a relatively important existence. People can hardly survive for a long time without food. Regarding food-related categories, how should you choose?
By searching in the Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Encyclopedia, we can know that the categories of food company trademarks are Category 29, Category 30 and Category 31. Specific categories can be queried in detail on the website. There are many foods included in these three categories. If conditions permit, it is not impossible to register trademarks for all categories.
Are Yunnan trademarks and brands the same? What is the difference between the two? "Brand" and "trademark" are a pair of concepts that are easily confused. Some companies mistakenly believe that a product becomes a brand after registering a "trademark". In fact, the two are both related and different.
A brand is a name, term, mark, symbol, design, or a combination of them, which is used to identify a seller or a seller's products or services and to make them the same. Differentiate your competitors’ products and services. A trademark refers to a brand or part of a brand that applies to the trademark registration agency in accordance with legal procedures. After review, it is approved and the exclusive right to trademark is granted. Trademarks are protected by law. No one may imitate or imitate them without the permission of the trademark registrant. use.
As can be seen from the above, the connotation of the brand is broader. Trademarks in my country are divided into "registered trademarks" and "unregistered trademarks". A "brand" can be a registered trademark or an unregistered trademark.
In addition, brands and trademarks can be converted. If a brand is registered and obtains exclusive rights, it will be converted into a trademark, which will have legal significance. It is with the help of the legal role of trademarks that the interests generated by the brand beyond the value of the product itself can be protected.
Trademarks and brands can be transformed into each other but cannot be generalized, because some brands can apply to become trademarks but others may not, so companies still need to distinguish them at all times during use.