Trademark infringement refers to the use of the same registered trademark on the same kind of goods. If other products that are not of the same kind do not constitute infringement, they can be used.
this trademark is registered in cosmetic daily use, clothing, shoes and hats, leather bags and other categories, as long as it is not used in these registered categories, it will not infringe.
Trademark infringement refers to: the actor uses the same or similar trademark on the same or similar goods without the permission of the trademark owner, or other acts that interfere with or hinder the trademark owner from using his registered trademark and damage the legitimate rights and interests of the trademark owner. The actor sells goods that he knows or should know are counterfeit registered trademarks, and the natural person or legal person whose trademark exclusive right is infringed has the right to ask the infringer to stop the infringement, eliminate the influence and compensate for the losses in civil.