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The second thing to pay attention to is leather. Brand-new leather will definitely have a special skin smell, while fake leather will have a very pungent taste, and the skin of general leather is soft. Just touch it carefully with your hands.
The third is maintenance service. Dior will provide maintenance services for the bags it sells. Anything that is not sold in a specialty store is regarded as a "fake", so you must buy Dior bags in a specialty store. Of course, it is also possible to buy in Dior official website.
The fourth is the logo of Dior bag. A world-famous brand must be meticulous about its own brand logo. If you find that the logo of Dior bag is rough when you buy it, then this bag is a fake in all likelihood.
The fifth is the overall workmanship of the bag. The most important thing to observe the overall workmanship of Dior bags is to observe the overall splicing of bags. The stitching of genuine bags should be uniform, and the tightness and spacing of stitching should be consistent. If the bag you choose can't even reach this quality, I still suggest you think about it before deciding whether to buy it or not.
Sixth, the logo printing of bags. The logo printing of genuine bags is very fine, while the logo of fake goods is like a watermark, which can be recognized by the naked eye under normal circumstances.