Nowadays, when some products are sold, they not only focus on the Chinese market, but also position their sights on the international market. For such products, generally when applying for a registered trademark, apply for an English trademark. Alphabet trademarks can promote products abroad, so how can the application for alphabet trademark registration be passed quickly? This requires knowing which trademarks are not acceptable.
When applying for letter trademark registration, you need to be clear that it cannot contain the name of our country or other countries, nor can it be registered with the name of a famous city. Generally, when applying for trademark registration, administrative regions above the county level are unavailable at all times. When applying for registration of a letter trademark, the meaning expressed must be positive and have positive energy. If the trademark to be applied for registration has a negative connotation, and the trademark registration may have a negative impact on society, then it is also Very difficult to pass.
When applying for English wordline trademark registration, because English letters are not as broad and profound as Chinese characters, it is easy for the trademarks to be similar. In this case, it is also difficult to pass. In addition, applying for trademark registration When doing so, you should also translate English into Chinese, because when the Trademark Office examines registered trademarks, in addition to examining English, it will also examine Chinese. If the translation of the trademark in English letters is the same as the Chinese trademark, then it is not able to pass.
After understanding some situations that are not easy to pass when applying for letter trademark registration, the applicant will also know how to quickly pass the application for letter trademark registration. When choosing a trademark for registration, you must prepare in advance Find a suitable trademark and then go to the Trademark Office to apply.
The Intellectual Property and Trademark Transfer Network provides trademark transfer services. Trademarks are bought and sold on Bajie. Purchasing trademarks saves time on trademark registration
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