What's the difference between copyright trademarks? Copyright and trademark are common rights in real life. Copyright, that is, copyright in the past, belongs to a right enjoyed by a certain crop; Trademark belongs to a legal term, a brand, or a part of a brand.
what's the difference between copyright and trademark?
Many friends confuse copyright and trademark, so what are the differences and connections between copyright and trademark? In fact, there is a big difference between trademarks and copyrights. Let's introduce the differences between copyrights and trademarks to you.
1. After a trademark is registered, others cannot register it. Copyright, others can register copyright, and copyright does not need a business license, as long as it is a natural person.
2. Trademarks are mainly aimed at products, and copyright refers to the copyright of works. That is to say, if your trademark has a pattern and the copyright is registered, it proves that the trademark was designed by you and you have the creative right of this pattern.
3. The time of protection is different. Copyright protection: natural person, the author's lifetime plus 5 years after death; Legal person, 5 years after the first publication of the work. The trademark protection period is ten years, and you need to renew the trademark after ten years.
4. copyright registration is cost-effective, and it only needs to register once to get protection. The protection time is as long as 5 years after the author's death, and there is no need to renew or renew it.
5. The copyright application time is fast, and the certificate can be obtained in more than two months (which can be accelerated), which makes up for the shortage of slow trademark application time, and makes up for the blank that customers have not registered all kinds. If multiple types fail, they can do copyright;
6. increase the customer's intellectual property holdings and the relationship between trademarks and copyrights. Cross-protection generally refers to applying for trademark registration and copyright registration for a LOGO, so that the LOGO can be protected by both trademark law and copyright law.
Here's a brief introduction about the differences between copyright and trademark. If you have trademark copyright requirements, please consult professional intellectual property consultants. Copyright registration Benefit Shanghai copyright registration Trademark copyright registration