Marker definition: n. mark; mark-making tool; mark-maker; scorekeeper
marker pronunciation: English ['mɑ?k?(r)] American [' mɑ?rk?r]
Vocabulary collocations:
1. marker pen?
2. reflective marker reflective mark
3. marker buoy?
4. marker method
Bilingual example:
You can see the blade bears the marker's stamp.
As you can see, there are manufacturer's marks on the blade.
Extended information:
1. trademark
Pronunciation: British ['tre?dmɑ?k]? American [' tre?dmɑ?rk]
n. Trademark; characteristics
Have you noticed the trademark on the bottle?
Have you noticed the trademark on the bottle? ?
2. symbol
Pronunciation: British ['s?mbl] American ['s?mbl]
n. Symbol; symbol; sign
The chemical symbol for copper is "Cu".
The chemical symbol for copper is Cu.