Our company is a registered trademark, and there is a registered trademark of another company. Similar groups overlap with our company. The trademark similarity groups of our company are 0742, 0749, 0736 and 0750. Similar groups of questioned companies: 0702, 0709, 0723, 0706, 0724, 0730, 0739, 0743, 0749, 0750. Among them, 0749,0750 is consistent with the similar group of trademarks previously registered by our company. Does it constitute a similar commodity? We have applied for an objection, but our company was rejected by the General Administration of Trademarks on the grounds that "the goods specified by this trademark do not constitute approximation". The ruling made by the Trademark Office stated that the dissident had made a reply within the prescribed time limit. But our company doesn't know the content of the other party's defense. Our company should have the right to know the defense of the other party. How can I know each other's defense information?
Please contact the Trademark Office at 632 19000 for consultation and handling of trademark objection procedures. If you are dissatisfied with the Trademark Office's objection ruling, you can apply to the Trademark Office for an objection review.