The most convenient way to buy and sell trademarks is to choose a trademark trading network. Usually there is no requirement for an agent. When choosing a trademark trading network, you must first see who is the operating organization behind the trademark trading network. This is very important! The stronger the strength, the more powerful it is. The bigger the platform, the more formal the operation. Some trademark trading websites do not even have an office address or phone number. Pay special attention when selecting such a trading platform; it is recommended to go to the physical site to inspect it. Click to consult Bajie customer service to solve your questions. (1) All trademarks under the name of the transferor, including those that are similar or identical, shall be transferred together. This should also be the focus of attention of the transferee. If the trademark to be transferred is similar or identical to other trademarks of the transferor, it should be transferred together. If the transfer is not processed at the same time, the trademark to be transferred will be regarded as giving up the transfer application. This precaution needs to be understood clearly in advance to avoid similar troubles in future trademark transfer applications. (2) Whether the transferred trademark is a valid trademark. Before applying for trademark transfer, you should know clearly whether the trademark is currently within the validity period, whether it has been revoked or canceled, etc. Only valid trademarks have the exclusive right to use the trademark and can handle transfer and other procedures. (3) The trademark’s address and company name have not changed, leading to rejection. If the business license and address of the transferor are changed, the address and company name on the trademark registration certificate should be changed at the same time. Failure to do so will result in the trademark transfer application being rejected. (4) Whether the transferred trademark has been seized by the court or registered as a pledge. The transferee should also pay attention to this point.