Nike asked for authentication.
Nike is one of the most popular sports shoes brands in the world, and Nike shoes are copied very rampant. Because the shoes in offline Nike stores are usually less discounted and expensive, the discounts vary from place to place and the goods purchased are different, so many consumers like to buy them online. This encountered a problem, how to distinguish Nike shoes from real shoes. Nike's sneakers are the biggest names in sports brands. Many people like its design and function. When they become famous, there will naturally be counterfeiters who confuse the fake with the real for the benefit. Many A-goods can even be faked. So how can we distinguish genuine products from genuine Nike products? Let's talk to you here. Nike, a sports brand giant with an annual turnover of more than $30 billion, is also full of fakes. The cost of each pair is only a few tens of yuan. Although it is similar to genuine shoes in appearance, the level of materials used is uneven. Mass exposure posts such as Post Bar Forum reflect the number of fakes. The following are the vast majority of Nike after 20 10 … how to identify the authenticity of Nike shoes? # Hot discussion # What addictive foods are there in life? . 1, generally, genuine products are more expensive, so if you buy them very cheaply, much cheaper than the normal price, then they are probably fakes. .2, the label of the upper is that you can see the origin of the shoes, etc., and check whether it is compared with the shoe box. ...