The application for trademark registration is to be rejected for review, which means that the trademark has been rejected and the trademark office will not register it. If the date is displayed, it means that the trademark has exceeded the review period; No date is displayed, indicating that the trademark may still be within the review period. Where an applicant for trademark registration needs a reexamination, he may apply to the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board for reexamination, and strive for the exclusive right to trademark registration.
This date is the date when the Trademark Office examiner issued the Notice of Rejection of Trademark or the Notice of Partial Rejection of Trademark. The calculation method of the date of application for reexamination is: If the trademark agency fails to receive the above documents within 15 days from the date when the trademark agency receives the Notice of Rejection of a Trademark or the Notice of Partial Rejection of a Trademark, the Trademark Office shall take 1 month as the mailing date (the date when the documents are sent) for delivery.